Concept & objectives


The humid tropics of Central and Eastern Africa hold much promise for enhancing food and nutritional security within and beyond Africa. With a rich variety of agroecological zones and diverse farming systems, they are home for a great part of the rural population and a large diversity of living organisms, offering vital ecosystem services and potential for sustainable development.
Still, if we are to tap into this potential, we need to address the complex environmental, social and economic challenges they face, which in cases are exacerbated by conflict and high vulnerability.
Still, if we are to tap into this potential, we need to address the complex environmental, social and economic challenges they face, which in cases are exacerbated by conflict and high vulnerability.
In this context, CANALLS aims to drive agroecological transitions in the humid tropics of Central and Eastern Africa via multi-actor transdisciplinary Agroecology Living Labs (ALLs).
We start with 8 ALLs set up


Democratic Republic of Congo



In parallel

our 10 African and 8 European partners engage in solid multi-actor collaboration and policy dialogues with rural communities, advisory services and governments to develop practical tools and evaluate the socio-economic and environmental performance of agroecology, employing the evidence generated to build capacity and share good practices as well as to deliver sustainable business models, facilitating access to markets.

The key objectives of the project are

to establish Agroecology Living Labs engaging multi-actor stakeholder communities in transdisciplinary research to identify and co-create the conditions and tools to support agroecological transitions
to co-design services and marketing tools to enhance demand for agroecological food products as well as fair value propositions and business models to ensure financial viability and facilitate access to markets
to support and build capacity for the adoption of agroecological practices, leveraging knowledge exchange, policy dialogues and coordination with key networks for dissemination, exploitation and replication
to co-develop practical tools to identify combinations of agroecological practices tailored to the humid tropics of Africa as well as to monitor and measure their socio-economic and environmental performance
to co-create, test and evaluate agroecological strategies suitable for the humid tropics of Africa, tackling complex socio-economic and environmental challenges of food systems in line with policy priorities
The key objectives of the project are

to establish Agroecology Living Labs engaging multi-actor stakeholder communities in transdisciplinary research to identify and co-create the conditions and tools to support agroecological transitions
to co-develop practical tools to identify combinations of agroecological practices tailored to the humid tropics of Africa as well as to monitor and measure their socio-economic and environmental performance
to co-design services and marketing tools to enhance demand for agroecological food products as well as fair value propositions and business models to ensure financial viability and facilitate access to markets
to co-create, test and evaluate agroecological strategies suitable for the humid tropics of Africa, tackling complex socio-economic and environmental challenges of food systems in line with policy priorities
to support and build capacity for the adoption of agroecological practices, leveraging knowledge exchange, policy dialogues and coordination with key networks for dissemination, exploitation and replication