
Meeting with selected farmers and first phase of data collection for agroecological strategies in each ALL

Meeting with selected farmers and first phase of data collection for agroecological strategies in each ALL

A meeting was organized on 28/04/2024 in the Ntui LL of CANALLS in Cameroon bringing together the owners of the selected cocoa farms that are serving for the implementation phase of agroecological strategies in each agroecology living lab.

Thus 15 cocoa farms have been selected for the achievement of this task with 12 plots for foliar fertilizer/shed trial and 03 plots for biopesticide trial. The meeting counted 27 participants including 14 farmers, and 13 researchers from different organizations namely IITA, IRAD, CIRAD, ICRAF, AFAAS, and SCOPMAN.

The meeting with selected farmers aimed to (i) revise the principles and elements agroecology, and recall the cocreation methods used for the selection of key challenges and agroecological solutions (ii) insist on the need and importance to favor natural processes to guarantee long-term production, (iii) present the importance of agroforestry, as a system that meets many of the principles of agroecology, (iv) show the benefits of associated trees in the cocoa plantation, (v) present the trails while reminding the role of each and every one (farmers and researchers), and presenting the schedule of activities. Farmers were very impressed at the end, they expressed their joy for being part of the trials for CANALLS.

The first phase of field data collection took place from 14/05/2024 to 18/04/2024. This phase consisted of carrying out initial site characterization, plot delineation and demarcation, foliar fertilization, pesticide application, and ensuring proper plot management (phytosanitary pruning, structural pruning, and weeding etc.). Data was collected using ODK. Thus, all 12 experimental plots for fertilizer/shed trials were visited during this phase of the activity and all planned activities were successfully performed with the impressive collaboration of the farmers. The trial for biopesticide will begin next week 27/04/2024.



Agroecology Living Labs (ALLs)

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Agroecology Living Labs (ALLs)

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