
Farm selection and delimitation of experimental plots for the experimental phase of the co-creation activity

A series of exercises and workshops were organized among researchers, farmers, and other stakeholders in the Ntui ALL.

Measures to support CAMFAAS' missions and visions in Cameroon's agricultural sector

On 29 February 2024, the Cameroon Forum of Agricultural Advisory Services (CAMFAAS) received a delegation from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) from Rome for a technical working visit to its headquarters in Yaoundé-Cameroon.

Co-creation of Agroecological Practices in the Agroecology Living Labs

Agroecology offers promising pathways to increase productivity and build resilience to socio-ecological, economic, and climate shocks, delivering holistic solutions to complex challenges in the food systems. However, we still need well-tested and context-tailored agroecological practices (AEP) that can guide a transition effectively.

Key Challenges Faced in Cocoa Farming and Potential Agroecological Solutions in Ntui, Center Region of Cameroon

A two-day co-creation workshop was organized in the Ntui Living Lab of CANALLS in Cameroon on 16-17 January 2024, bringing together different stakeholders to assess key challenges faced by cocoa farming and the corresponding agroecological practices/solutions.


The team of ETHz Prof. Johan Six and Isaac Balume joined by the CIRAD team Marc Corbeels and Diego CERUDO traveled to NTUI in Central of Cameroon to visit field sites where treatment will be applied and discuss on the entry points of the CANALLS project.

Field visit in BIEGA ALL

Embarking on a meaningful field visit, our partners from CIRAD, APDIK and INERA explored the dynamic landscape of BIEGA ALL.



Agroecology Living Labs (ALLs)

News & Events




Agroecology Living Labs (ALLs)

News & Events



Funded by the European Union under GA no.101083653. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the authors only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. The granting authority cannot be held responsible for them.